Healthy Aging Definition
The World Health Organization defines healthy aging as developing and maintaining the functional ability that enables well-being in older age.
Deterioration Definition
Deterioration refers to the gradual decline or worsening of physical, mental, or functional capabilities over time. As we age, our body may undergo changes that can result in a decline in overall health and functioning.
Signs of Deterioration
Below is an outline of some potential signs of deterioration. These are some of the things to look for. Usually, deterioration is not just one sign but a combination of signs.
Cognitive Decline:
– Memory loss
– Difficulty concentrating
– Confusion
– Impaired judgement
Physical Changes:
– Unintended weight loss or gain
– Decreased mobility or difficulty with balance
– Changes in posture or gait
– Muscle weakness or frailty
Sensory Changes:
– Deterioration in vision (blurred vision, difficulty focusing)
– Hearing loss or difficulty hearing
Emotional Changes:
– Mood swings
– Increased irritability
– Social withdrawal
– Anxiety or depression
Sleep Disturbances:
– Insomnia or changes in sleep patterns
– Excessive daytime sleepiness
– Restlessness during sleep
Personal Hygiene:
– Neglect of personal grooming
– Difficulty with bathing or dressing
Nutritional Changes:
– Poor appetite
– Difficulty chewing or swallowing
– Unexplained weight loss
– Forgetfulness regarding medication schedule
– Incorrect dosage or missed doses
Chronic Health:
– Worsening of existing medical conditions
– Increased frequency of hospitalizations or emergency room visits
– Difficulty expressing thoughts verbally
– Trouble understanding spoken or written language
– Loss of bladder or bowel control
Social Isolation:
– Decreased interest in social activities
– Loss of interest in hobbies or activities previously enjoyed
Financial Difficulties:
– Difficulty managing finances
– Unexplained or unusual financial transactions
Home Environment:
– Uncleanliness
– Untidiness – causing hazards
What should you do?
- Use the Stop and Watch tool if you notice that something is ‘just not right’
- Make sure you tell someone – family/friend GP
- Action – Early intervention usually has a better outcome
Stop and Watch Tool
The Stop and Watch tool is used when someone is not their usual self. It helps care staff identify the warning signs of deterioration
Why it’s important to recognise changes
Identifying Problems Early:
Spotting signs of decline early means you can get help which may mean the treatments can work better and the outlook is better.
Keeping Safe:
Changes in health can affect safety. Spotting these changes helps prevent accidents or health risks like falls.
Planning Care:
Understanding the problem and what help you need.
Overall, early recognition of deterioration or decline is key for promoting well-being, maintaining independence, and ensuring you get the appropriate care and support. Regular health checks are a good way to age well.