Self Managed Home Care Packages Sydney

Meet your local Home Care Advisor

Teneil is our local Care Advisor for self managed home care packages Sydney.

Teneil has an extensive background in Disability and Mental Health services. She has experience in helping people achieve their goals and managing challenging situations that may arise. Teneil is passionate about mental health and supporting people to maintain the life they want to live. Teneil is friendly and always has a supportive approach.

In her spare time Teneil spends her time with her family. She enjoys cooking and loves coffee.

Our fees for self managed home care packages in Sydney are the lowest in Australia. Find out more here>

self managed home care packages sydney - headshot of local care advisor Teneil

Self Managed Home Care - Sydney

ACAT assessment is an eligibility requirement to access Commonwealth funded residential aged care, residential respite care, transition care and home care packages.

ACAT undertakes a comprehensive assessment of care needs for older people needing access to residential and/or home (community) care, and helps the elderly and their carers to determine what kind of support will best meet their needs.

Target group are older people, typically over the age of 65 or for indigenous Australians, people over the age of 50, or people who have an age related condition.

Often comprises of a doctor, nurse, social worker and occupational therapist, the team will recommend services deemed to be the most appropriate to meet care needs through a series of questions, and with the client’s consent will liaise with families/carers and health care providers.

Referral Procedure, by care recipient themselves or others:

  • The care recipient, carer, family must be aware of and consent to the referral
  • All referrals are to be made via MyAgedCare: 1800 200 422

Aged Care Assessment Teams (ACAT) in Sydney:

Northern Sydney LHD ACAT
51 WICKS Road
Phone: 1800 302 334

Western Sydney LHD ACAT
Phone: (02) 9845 6903

South Western Sydney LHD ACAT
Scrivener Street, WARWICK FARM 2170
Phone: (02) 9722 8404

Sydney Inner West ACAT
Phone: 1300 722 276

South Eastern Sydney LHD ACAT
Level 4 Kings Way, CARINGBAH 2229
Phone: (02) 9369 0463

Local Information & Initiatives for Seniors

Ready to self manage your Home Care Package?

We offer lowest management fees in Australia, ensuring you get maximum care hours

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We make self managed home care simple and inexpensive. Here's how:

Your Local Guardians Home Care Advisor will:

Be your dedicated Home Care Contact

Who understands your needs and will make sure you’re getting the most from your package.

Manage Your
Home Care Plan

Using world class technology for seamless plan management, on any device.


To suitable providers (we have a database of thousands).


To ensure you get maximum possible care hours from your funding.

Want to know more or sign up to self manage your Home Care Package?

Complete the form below and we’ll be in touch within 24 hours.