The Home Care Corner

Falls in Older Adults

Preventing And Responding To Falls

Studies suggest that up to 40% of reported falls could be reduced by taking preventative measures.

Navigating The Home Care Conversation

Addressing the topic of in home care with an older friend or family member can be a sensitive…

A Practical Guide To Emergency Planning

Emergencies have an unsettling habit of occurring unannounced and in unpredictable ways.

Navigating Loneliness and Isolation in Seniors

It’s a common occurrence to see our social circles shrink as we age. According to a study conducted…

The Vital Role of Carers in Home Care

Australia is home to approximately 2.7 million carers who provide care to those with a disability,…

Understanding Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

Urinary Tract Infections also known as UTIs may appear common, but they can be uncomfortable and…

Massage and Home Care Packages

There is often confusion when it comes to Home Care Packages and whether massage (or massage…

Working Towards A Dementia Friendly Future

Dementia Action Week aims to raise awareness of dementia and help improve the lives of people with…

Managing diabetes with a Home Care Package – a path to better health

Living with diabetes can feel like a never-ending puzzle, from juggling medications to deciphering…

What exactly is allowable expenditure?

This is probably the question we get asked the most! What can and cannot be included in a home care…

Staying Warm In Winter

Winter is more than just an inconvenience; it poses a real risk for our elderly who are more…