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What is Care Management?

At Local Guardians, care management is included in all package types, whether it is Self-Managed DIY or Self-Managed PLUS. Local Guardians maintain oversight on risk and compliance and require a key contact for regular communication and updates on the wellbeing of the package holder.

The key elements of care management in the Home Care Package program include:

-The development of a care plan that outlines the care recipient’s needs, goals, and preferences, as well as the services and supports that will be provided.

-The management of the Home Care Package budget to ensure that services and purchases are scheduled in accordance with the budget limitations, allowable items, and included in the care plan and budget prior to purchase.

-Ensuring that appropriate independent care providers have signed Provider Agreement with police check and insurance evidence and that they deliver services in accordance with the care plan.

-Regular review of the care plan and budget to ensure that they are up to date and reflect the care recipient’s changing needs and preferences.

All clients have a dedicated Care Advisor who will provide ongoing support and assistance throughout the Home Care Package program.

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